CargoZip has entered the room.
CargoZip: o_o;
Ryoko1418: or how about...."I have time tomorrow"
EmuRulerCheese has entered the room.
EmuRulerCheese: yay chatty chat chat
Marchica03 has entered the room.
Ryoko1418: yay partay
CargoZip: no! you can't reach your hand down there!
Ryoko1418: o_o
Ryoko1418: whhhaaa?
Marchica03: ummm wow
CargoZip: <_< i um..
EmuRulerCheese: mar-si!
Marchica03: hey Shuen
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: ooo hey!!
Ryoko1418: you do have turrets
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: -steals screenname-
Marchica03: ok I'm lost already
Ryoko1418: Shuen tends to out of no where splurt out innapropriate phrases like the one you just witnessed
CargoZip: neva
CargoZip: I am... victory
EmuRulerCheese: lmao w/e you do it all the time
Ryoko1418: lol
EmuRulerCheese: whooosh i am now red!
EmuRulerCheese: yay for color differentiation
CargoZip: your font looks like that kitty I saw on the road.. =(
Ryoko1418: lol wtf?
Ryoko1418: purple!
EmuRulerCheese: makes you think of happy things..
EmuRulerCheese: lol that was the most pathetic conversation ever
CargoZip: what
Marchica03: No comment.
Ryoko1418: do you ever feel this cringe and weird sensation and shiver pass over you when you pass by or almost run over roadkill?
CargoZip: I feel somewhat hungry afterwards
Ryoko1418: wow
EmuRulerCheese: ....its the soul!
CargoZip: lol
Ryoko1418: lol shuen, dont take after yanys habits :P
CargoZip: lol tru, thats the last thing I want XD
EmuRulerCheese: ...hey hey i only eat it after its cooked..sometimes
CargoZip: oooo look a rabbit... -eats-
Ryoko1418: ew
EmuRulerCheese: XD rabbits are goooood!
Ryoko1418: lol *points at the unlucky bunny shirt*
CargoZip: *happy red explosion*
Marchica03: eww is right
Marchica03: pink mist!
Ryoko1418: lmao
Ryoko1418: that was demented of him
CargoZip: <_<;
CargoZip: gawd you guys are weird lol
Ryoko1418: "hmmm lets leave her allll alone scared shitless with a bomb in her hand!"
EmuRulerCheese: ew...that reminds me of war of the worlds
CargoZip: havn't seen it
Marchica03: good movie, good show
Ryoko1418: the shows better than the movie tho
EmuRulerCheese: with the bloody mist
Marchica03: I can't believe Meredith.. man that was nuts
CargoZip: =/
Ryoko1418: yea
EmuRulerCheese: yay fertilizer
Marchica03: pink mist to you missy!!!
Ryoko1418: it was like whoa noooo bad reflex!
Ryoko1418: Hmm...I wonder what i would do in that situation
EmuRulerCheese: theres like 3 conversations going on at once dont worry shu
Ryoko1418: I have the feeling i might have done the same thing actually
CargoZip: -slaps yany-
Marchica03: to save someone's life?
Marchica03: or save your own?
Ryoko1418: well, it saved several persons life at the moment
Ryoko1418: both
Marchica03: ahh I don't wanna think about it
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: tis ok...dont distress over it
EmuRulerCheese: fill us in guys?
Ryoko1418: Greys Anatomy
Marchica03: geee whiz
CargoZip: I'll fill you in
Ryoko1418: awesomest show
Marchica03: you kids need tvs
EmuRulerCheese: freaks
Ryoko1418: omg
Ryoko1418: wtf Shuen
CargoZip: huh?
Marchica03: Adriana - attack mode!
Ryoko1418: XD
EmuRulerCheese: lmao
Marchica03: freaks my bootay
CargoZip: o_o;
Ryoko1418: lmao wow
EmuRulerCheese: no marcy no!
Ryoko1418: XD
Ryoko1418: not the best choice of words ever
Ryoko1418: :P
CargoZip: yea...
EmuRulerCheese: XD
Marchica03: o.O
Marchica03: confuzzled...
Ryoko1418: its best that way
Marchica03: umm yeah
Marchica03: ok then
Ryoko1418: emo!Shuen
CargoZip: emo emu
EmuRulerCheese: *kicks him*
Marchica03: -_\Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: lol
Ryoko1418: haha you should try to grow out your hair and do that
CargoZip: lol yea
CargoZip: it my stab my face tho
CargoZip: might*
Ryoko1418: thats ok...your emo anyway
Ryoko1418: another reason to cry
CargoZip: T_T
Marchica03: XD
EmuRulerCheese: aw lmao
CargoZip: wow thats saddening lol
Ryoko1418: lol
EmuRulerCheese: i luvs you adriana
Ryoko1418: i lurve you too
CargoZip has entered the room.
EmuRulerCheese has entered the room.
Marchica03 has entered the room.
Ryoko1418: wtf AIM ish super gay
Marchica03: you've said "you can lick my shoes" on more than one occasion
CargoZip: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
EmuRulerCheese: i dont think i have ever said that
Marchica03: AIM is homo
Marchica03: u lie
Ryoko1418: indeed
CargoZip: yea, it sleeps with msn behind yahoos back
Marchica03: agreed on both accounts
Ryoko1418: lmao
Ryoko1418: thats so brokeback
EmuRulerCheese: XD
CargoZip: rofl wow
Marchica03: XP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marchica03: line stealer!!!
Ryoko1418: psshh..everyone says it
EmuRulerCheese: brb
Marchica03: dammit if yet to use it in real life
Marchica03: *I've
Ryoko1418: ICQ is MSN and AIMs retarded baby
Marchica03: your mom says it
Marchica03: retarded? you mean bastard?
CargoZip: o_o
Ryoko1418: or maybe the other way round..i dunno
EmuRulerCheese: both?
Marchica03: XP
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: wait theyre cant be biologically both their child
Marchica03: that's not what I heard....
Ryoko1418: ?
CargoZip: i'm pretending this convo isn't happening
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: Shuen, youve heard much MUCH worse things
EmuRulerCheese: ...she has a point
CargoZip: i've experienced much worse thx =o
Ryoko1418: wow
Ryoko1418: lol
EmuRulerCheese: um anyway...brb
Ryoko1418: id ask you to expand upon that statement, but im not sure i want to know
Ryoko1418: k
Ryoko1418: i think im going to copy and paste this convo into my blog...
CargoZip: yea, lets leave it as it is lol
Ryoko1418: lol
Marchica03: I think I'm gonna have nightmares now
Ryoko1418: aww
Marchica03: no wonder you never sleep
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: haha
Ryoko1418: nah, my mind is immune to this
CargoZip: no... theres other reasons...
Ryoko1418: o_o;
Ryoko1418: and what reasons would those be?
Ryoko1418: *raises an eyebrow*
CargoZip: I can't... say them
Marchica03: I'm thinking I don't want to know this
CargoZip: its illegal to mention it in the US
Ryoko1418: lmao
Ryoko1418: wtf
CargoZip: and 12 other countries
Marchica03: only 12?
CargoZip: unfortunately
Ryoko1418: i totally gave that up months ago!
CargoZip: mmmhm
Ryoko1418: yea so....i dont know what we're talking about...and i dont think anyone else does either
Marchica03: >_>
Ryoko1418: thats the best kind of conversation
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: yea, it melts your brain
Ryoko1418: mmm like cheese
Marchica03: CHEESE?
CargoZip: mmmm.... cheese
Marchica03: where??????!
Ryoko1418: the moon
CargoZip: right... here
Ryoko1418: that too
Marchica03: right where?
CargoZip: the kitchen counter
Ryoko1418: shuen cut the cheese
CargoZip: you better hurry bef... aw aww.. yany got it
Marchica03: EWWW
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: -_-;
Ryoko1418: lmao
Marchica03: who ever smelt it dealt it
Ryoko1418: i didnt smell it
Ryoko1418: i sensed it with my psychic powers
Ryoko1418: remember?
Marchica03: lmao
CargoZip: thats good enough
Ryoko1418: pssh
CargoZip: -lick-
Ryoko1418: o_o;
Ryoko1418: err...
CargoZip: you don't like icecream? =(
Ryoko1418: sometimes
Marchica03: ??
CargoZip: meh~
Ryoko1418: it makes me sick, remember?
Ryoko1418: if i have too much
CargoZip: ah yes, but in small portions its still good
Ryoko1418: stupid lactose intolerance :-(
CargoZip: =/
Marchica03: *tear*
CargoZip: yany puts sugar in her milk...
Marchica03: ew
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: that was random
Marchica03: yeah
CargoZip: I think she lies, she just drinks melted icecream
Marchica03: a milkshake?
CargoZip: meh, close to it
Ryoko1418: well, she used to drink powdered milk...and i suspect you -have- to put sugar in that to be able to down it
CargoZip: ugh, true
Marchica03: thats nasty yo
CargoZip: lol....
Ryoko1418: word
Marchica03: why are we talking about diary anyway?
CargoZip has entered the room.
EmuRulerCheese has entered the room.
Marchica03 has entered the room.
Ryoko1418: Grrr ....o_<
EmuRulerCheese: what have i missed?
Ryoko1418: yea what did i miss?
Ryoko1418: after the dairy talk
CargoZip: okay well
EmuRulerCheese: dairy?
Marchica03: we went through every diary product known to man
CargoZip: I went out side to cut me some flowers
Ryoko1418: lol wtf
CargoZip: and this guy came out of no where and offered me fireworks
CargoZip: I gladly accepting not knowing it was packed full of um..
EmuRulerCheese: wow...ur so gay shu
CargoZip: -_-;;;
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: anyway, in the end. The moral of the story was. Don't drink and drive
Ryoko1418: drink what exactly?
Ryoko1418: milk?
CargoZip: any..thing
Ryoko1418: lol
EmuRulerCheese: ooh i have oreos!
Ryoko1418: i like the middle part
Marchica03: double stuff??
CargoZip: hell yea double stuffed
Marchica03: ^_^
Ryoko1418: bleh too much
EmuRulerCheese: yosh!
Ryoko1418: i dont like double stuffed
Marchica03: *drools*
CargoZip: I'll make u like double stuffed
Ryoko1418: damn it..i was trying to not make it sound dirty in my head Shu
EmuRulerCheese: wow..once again shu
Ryoko1418: -_-
CargoZip: lol, i can't help it
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: obviously
Marchica03: you kids are craaazy
CargoZip: blah
Ryoko1418: yep
Ryoko1418: its what we've been trying to tell you
EmuRulerCheese: thats so scary that reminds me of this one pic
Ryoko1418: o_o;
CargoZip: oh yea!!!
Marchica03: the downy one?
Marchica03: ^_~
CargoZip: ...
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: im thinking not that pic
EmuRulerCheese: shu was saying 3...ive seen 2...i dont think 3 is possible
Ryoko1418: oh yea
CargoZip: wait.. what?
Marchica03: o.O
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: can u give me an visual example
EmuRulerCheese: triple...stuffed?
Ryoko1418: wait no i said that, not him
EmuRulerCheese: you did?
Ryoko1418: yea
Ryoko1418: he said 2
Ryoko1418: i said "ive seen 3"
EmuRulerCheese: ok well im looking for evidence
CargoZip: >_o
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: look for the... "bobing for apples"
Ryoko1418: o_o;
Ryoko1418: anyway
EmuRulerCheese: o_O?
CargoZip: you know
Ryoko1418: We still have to see Tristan and Isolde
CargoZip: yesh
CargoZip: and oh yea... underworld 2 <_<
Ryoko1418: Thursday night..or friday
Ryoko1418: riighht >_>
CargoZip: <_<
EmuRulerCheese: ...-_-'
Ryoko1418: I heard it wasnt that good >_>
CargoZip: yea... we totally shouldn't see it
EmuRulerCheese: hey marcy wanna go see it with me?
Marchica03: sure
CargoZip: wth, what about us?
Marchica03: which one?
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: you've been denied
Ryoko1418: its ok, we can see New World
EmuRulerCheese: screw you guys you both already saw it
Marchica03: burn!
CargoZip: lies!
Ryoko1418: while they watch that
EmuRulerCheese: -_-'
Marchica03: still lost.. which movie?
Ryoko1418: Underworld 2
EmuRulerCheese: but i wanna see new world too
Marchica03: ahhhh
EmuRulerCheese: when did that come out?
Ryoko1418: umm i dunno
Ryoko1418: it was playing last week tho
CargoZip: its funny the vampires reminded me of you and your biting skills lei XD
Ryoko1418: duh, i -am- a vapire
Ryoko1418: vampire*
Marchica03: biting? lmao wtf??
CargoZip: yesh yesh
Ryoko1418: cept, way cooler than those
CargoZip: <_<;
Ryoko1418: and you just -had- to word it so it sounded wrong didnt you?
CargoZip: -nods-
Ryoko1418: -_-;
CargoZip: nooo....
CargoZip: you just have... a disturbing view on things >_<
Ryoko1418: yes
Ryoko1418: but so do you
Ryoko1418: secretly
CargoZip: lies!
EmuRulerCheese: its not so secret
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: yea
Marchica03: not anymore at least
Marchica03: XD
Ryoko1418: lol
EmuRulerCheese: dont deny it shu
CargoZip: -_-;;
Ryoko1418: Ojala que la luna pueda salir sin ti
Ryoko1418: such pretty guitar playing...
EmuRulerCheese: *sighs* serenade me lei!
Marchica03: lemme guess...
CargoZip: such impossible playing T_T
Marchica03: Silvio Rodrguez?
Ryoko1418: wow
Ryoko1418: howd you know?
EmuRulerCheese: yah did you hear it?
Marchica03: psychic
Ryoko1418: true
Marchica03: remember?
Marchica03: ;-)
Ryoko1418: yesh
Marchica03: umm no
Marchica03: not yet
EmuRulerCheese: -_-'
Marchica03: ahhh damn emos
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: wha?
Marchica03: does everyone here play guitar?
EmuRulerCheese: hah no
Marchica03: by play I meant attempt
Marchica03: XP
EmuRulerCheese: x_x...sure
Ryoko1418: ojala que las ojas no te toquen el cuerpo quando caigan para que no los puedas convertir en cristal
Ryoko1418: yes ...attempt..sometimes
Marchica03: lol
Ryoko1418: my fingers seem too fat or clumsy to press the strings right tho
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: the always touch the string next to it
Marchica03: if I can do it, anyone can
Ryoko1418: -_-
EmuRulerCheese: ojala que la lluvia deja de ser milagro que vaje por to cuerpo
Marchica03: 9_9
CargoZip: dammit, -chokes yany-
EmuRulerCheese: tu*
Ryoko1418: o_o;
Ryoko1418: wtf
CargoZip: -_-;
EmuRulerCheese: i swear to god im gonna kick you in the balls tomorrow
CargoZip: holy crap wow
Ryoko1418: ojala que la luna pueda salir sin ti...ojala que la tierra no te bese los pasos
CargoZip: T_T
Marchica03: mind kicking Dustin while you're at it?
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: soccer practice
Ryoko1418: XD
Marchica03: hahahah wow
Marchica03: that took me a minute....
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: oooouch
EmuRulerCheese: lol
CargoZip: lets... not talk about this
Ryoko1418: oh crap...i have class at 9 tomorrow...bleeehhh
Marchica03: lucky
EmuRulerCheese: ........
CargoZip: lol go to sleep at 7 again ^^
Ryoko1418: we have another model tho
Ryoko1418: lol there would be no point in sleeping if i did that
Marchica03: ooh la la
EmuRulerCheese: aw what happened to kenny?
Ryoko1418: he has another class
Ryoko1418: on wednesday
Ryoko1418: accordng tot he model schedule that got emailed to me
Ryoko1418: the*
CargoZip: >_o
EmuRulerCheese: you have to show me those drawings
Ryoko1418: lol
Marchica03: <_<
CargoZip: ...
Ryoko1418: well almost all of them were those quick gesture sketches
EmuRulerCheese: XD i <3 kenny...wonder where he is
EmuRulerCheese: brb
Ryoko1418: the last one was like the longest and nicest
CargoZip: o_o;;
CargoZip: wtf??
Ryoko1418: i need to work on it still
Marchica03: wouldn't that be weird to see a drawing of someone you know naked?
Ryoko1418: on the shading
Ryoko1418: hmm.....not necessarily
EmuRulerCheese: ......nah
Marchica03: ooookkkkk....
Ryoko1418: maybe if it was explicit drawing
EmuRulerCheese: well...depends on the person
Ryoko1418: lol
Marchica03: Dustin and Mr Kong
Ryoko1418: o_o
Marchica03: ewwwwwwwwwwww nightmares
Ryoko1418: wow no
CargoZip: i think i'm going to leave now
Ryoko1418: lmao
Marchica03: *kicks self*
EmuRulerCheese: mr....kong?
Marchica03: XD
Ryoko1418: woowww o_<
Ryoko1418: no
Marchica03: yeah pretend like you don't know
EmuRulerCheese: lmao XD
Ryoko1418: wtf?
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: now now, lets not reveal our fantasies too early now
EmuRulerCheese: do i even have to guess?
Marchica03: XP
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: no guessing!
CargoZip: it'll kill you
Marchica03: wow
Ryoko1418: lol im so confused now
CargoZip: its okay
EmuRulerCheese: who? mr kong?
Marchica03: I'm feeling sick
CargoZip: our brain refrains from taking that information in
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: lol... lei
CargoZip: aki
Ryoko1418: what?
CargoZip: "I feel sick"
EmuRulerCheese: huh?
Ryoko1418: ...i dont get it
Marchica03: me either
CargoZip: ai no utta
Ryoko1418: oh yea
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: ^^
Ryoko1418: i thought you meant Aki and Yany
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: hm?
Ryoko1418: i was like eh?
EmuRulerCheese: so lost...wha?
Marchica03: I still am like eh?
Ryoko1418: Yasuki Aki Neshi
CargoZip: ah..
Marchica03: anime... ookk...
EmuRulerCheese: ....o_O
CargoZip: oh no, i need to finish it too
Ryoko1418: i want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooonnnngggggggg jacket!
CargoZip: not anime, a drama >_o
Ryoko1418: they probabyl dont even have it anymore!
CargoZip: T_T!!!!!!
Ryoko1418: yea we watched this Japanese Soap Opera randomly one night
Ryoko1418: and got hooked
Marchica03: wow
Ryoko1418: very sad
Ryoko1418: and weird
EmuRulerCheese: ....*shakes head* i agree with marcy
Marchica03: it is sad
CargoZip: yesh
CargoZip: ...
Ryoko1418: i meant the show
Ryoko1418: not us -_-;
Marchica03: ha well I didn't
Marchica03: XP
Ryoko1418: it's ok, i forgive your ignorance :P
CargoZip: Dustin.... and.... Kong.....
Ryoko1418: o_<
Ryoko1418: lmao the post-it note
Marchica03: haha
CargoZip: o_o
Marchica03: flip book!
Ryoko1418: XD
Ryoko1418: one day i will draw that
Marchica03: diiiirty
Ryoko1418: not of -him- but just in a joke
Ryoko1418: maybe just a stick figure
Marchica03: with a pi wand!
Ryoko1418: lol a pi wand?
Marchica03: *sigh*
Marchica03: helll yessss a pi wand!
Ryoko1418: this is gonna be a long blog entry
Marchica03: it comes standard with all of mine and Dustin's stick figures
Ryoko1418: ah
Marchica03: damn it feels good to be a gangsta
CargoZip: -poketh-
CargoZip has entered the room.
EmuRulerCheese has entered the room.
Marchica03 has entered the room.
Marchica03: lol yeah Adriana's drawing thing
Ryoko1418: what?
Ryoko1418: what'd I miss
Marchica03: poor Shuey
Marchica03: not much
CargoZip: noooo
CargoZip: -cries-
Ryoko1418: what drawing thing
Marchica03: Shuen why do you ask about the house? o_O?
Ryoko1418: house?
Ryoko1418: whhaa?
CargoZip: because i don't know anything about it
Ryoko1418: *pokes yany* what happened?
CargoZip: just that hes doing it
Marchica03: yeah I'd move in
CargoZip: wait are u?
Marchica03: am I?
Ryoko1418: oh the giant communal living house?
CargoZip: are u?
Marchica03: is he even buying one?
Marchica03: wha??
CargoZip: lol isn't he?
Marchica03: I have no idea
Ryoko1418: lol
CargoZip: thats just what i heard
CargoZip: i think yany knows better
Marchica03: shuen what are you talking about
Ryoko1418: lol
Marchica03: are you moving in?!
CargoZip: about that cake inccident
Marchica03: cake?....
Ryoko1418: cake?
CargoZip: lol....
Marchica03: what cake?
CargoZip: no nm
Ryoko1418: cheesecake?
CargoZip: no i'm not moving in
CargoZip: i was just wondering
Ryoko1418: who wants to move in wiht me?
Marchica03: butt sex with Dustin is too much to handle eh?
Ryoko1418: lmao
CargoZip: wtf??
Marchica03: XP I kid
CargoZip: oh... gawd
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: welcome to the club Marcy
CargoZip: no!!
CargoZip: noooooooooooooooooooo
Ryoko1418: you are officially a full fledged member now
Marchica03: yeah thanks guys
Marchica03: umm wow
CargoZip: this is going to be painful
Marchica03: yeah...
Ryoko1418: lmao
Marchica03: I think I could go for a shower right now
Marchica03: be back in a couple of weeks
CargoZip: yesh go go
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: aw
Marchica03: slash a half hour
CargoZip: i need time to heal my brain
Marchica03: XP
Ryoko1418: lol
Marchica03: wtf?
Ryoko1418: yes Mr Kong will do that
Marchica03: you guys are the ones corrupting me!!!!!!!!
Ryoko1418: XD
Ryoko1418: no no Marcy, we just bring out whats hiding within
Marchica03: 9_9
Ryoko1418: we're like a catalyst
Ryoko1418: of mental scarring
Marchica03: lmao
Marchica03: yeah.. so shower...
Marchica03: laterz
Ryoko1418: lol have fun
Ryoko1418: dont eat the soap!
CargoZip: ...
CargoZip: hey now
CargoZip: seriously, u might
Ryoko1418: n matter now good it smells XD
Ryoko1418: no*
CargoZip: and how pretty it looks
Ryoko1418: or what color it is
Ryoko1418: this is gonna be one long ass blog post....
Ryoko1418: o_o;
CargoZip: I have convos from other chats you can post ^^
CargoZip: wait... is it a good idea to post this? lol
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: i dont know
CargoZip: I have a feeling it might turn back on us somehow >_o
Ryoko1418: i think that ill slowly go thru and change the SNs
EmuRulerCheese: .....back somewhat...
Ryoko1418: wb luv!
CargoZip: >_>
CargoZip: lube!
CargoZip: lub
Ryoko1418: Cherry flavor!
CargoZip: luv
CargoZip: It tastes like red!!!
Ryoko1418: XD
EmuRulerCheese: cherries taste wierd
CargoZip: u taste.. w
CargoZip: uh asfasldhjawek34q%@#$5
Ryoko1418: yea ....i think i vaguely remember
EmuRulerCheese: ...
Ryoko1418: uhh
Ryoko1418: wow
Ryoko1418: lol did you see Marcy's initiation Yany?
EmuRulerCheese: i think i hate you
EmuRulerCheese: o no what? what did i miss?
CargoZip: aw, don't be so mean to lei lei
Ryoko1418: she was taling to you
Ryoko1418: talking*
Ryoko1418: >_>
CargoZip: lies
EmuRulerCheese: obviously
CargoZip: neva
EmuRulerCheese: ill get you back tomorrow dont worry
CargoZip: *sighz* fine... T_T
EmuRulerCheese: so what did i miss?
CargoZip: ..... -tear-
Ryoko1418: scroll
Ryoko1418: i cant paste it
Ryoko1418: its too long
CargoZip: lol its not that its too long, the computer recognizes it as corrupted data
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: but bascially shuen and her apparently were talking about the big communal house Dustin had talked about...
Ryoko1418: and Marcy was like are you moving in?
Ryoko1418: and he was like no
Ryoko1418: and she goes "why, is the butt sex with Dustin too much for you?"
EmuRulerCheese: lmao
EmuRulerCheese: shuey likes mr. kong
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: and then my brains short voyage into the unkown ended ubruptly
CargoZip: no...
CargoZip: never...
CargoZip has entered the room.
EmuRulerCheese has entered the room.
Marchica03 has entered the room.
Ryoko1418: hello?
EmuRulerCheese: wb
Ryoko1418: -_-
CargoZip: dramatic exit u had there
CargoZip: it was hillarious
Ryoko1418: lol what?
CargoZip: Ryoko1418: whhaa...wtfRyoko1418 has left the room.
Ryoko1418: XD
CargoZip: ^^
Ryoko1418: it cut me off in the middle of typing
EmuRulerCheese: oh you missed it shuen came to the painful realization that mr. kong was in fact dustin's penis
Ryoko1418: lmao
Ryoko1418: uhh i thought he knew that?
CargoZip: yany... please
Ryoko1418: o_o;
Ryoko1418: did you seriously not know that?
CargoZip: ugh, u explain it yany
CargoZip: okay i did
CargoZip: but I forced myself to forget
CargoZip: for gooood reasons
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: wtf how did i end up with your font shuen?
Ryoko1418: you infected me!
Ryoko1418: AIM STDs
CargoZip: I ilfiltraded your soul!
EmuRulerCheese: lmao
CargoZip: wewt
Ryoko1418: uhh..not really
CargoZip: okay fine, =/ just your firmware
EmuRulerCheese: uhg brb again
CargoZip: nu
Ryoko1418: nooo
Ryoko1418: what are you doing anyway?
Ryoko1418: push me and then just touch me till i can get my satisfaction do do dooo dodo dooo dooo dooooo do dodo ddoooo dodoo dooooo
CargoZip: -shrugs-
Ryoko1418: *raves*
CargoZip: u saw the video right?
Ryoko1418: lol yes
CargoZip: lol... i want to see u raving XD
Ryoko1418: lol we did it at Metrocon
CargoZip: oo
Ryoko1418: ooh that reminds me of that weird but awesome tribal thing that was going on that one night when we got there with all the guys in a circle dancing around half naked....and the fog and the music...
Ryoko1418: it was cool
CargoZip: uh... what?
Ryoko1418: yea it was weird
CargoZip: my.... brain...
CargoZip: it... hurts..
Ryoko1418: like two of the 3 nights they had like rave parties in the middle of the night
Ryoko1418: and the first night mea nd yany walk in.....and we find this mellow trippy tribal trance on
Ryoko1418: and theres the lights and fog everywhere
CargoZip: at metro?
Ryoko1418: and its mostly all these guys in a circle.....dancing in a strangely in sync manner
Ryoko1418: yea
Ryoko1418: it felt like some weird dream or something
CargoZip: hmmm >_o
Ryoko1418: we were like whoa whats going on?
CargoZip: that was the 2nd hand smoke u were breathing in lol
Ryoko1418: lol
Ryoko1418: yea there might have been something in the water jug they were drinking from
CargoZip: mmhm
Ryoko1418: do do dooo
Ryoko1418: hmm
CargoZip: la la luuuu
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