
When I said I didn't ride roller coasters, I think I lied.


My life just seems to be one big, annoying, slightly life-threatening fucking roller coaster going up and down and all around all the time. Every time things start going well and I'm going to be able to start getting back on track or better, GIANT 100ft DROP!
I don't know how much more of this ridiculous shit I can put up with. And it's not even all my fault either. I mean, it's not my fault that my boss' mom is sick and dying and the cafe wasn't making much profit anymore until of course the day after it's decided it will be closed down. It's not my fault the guy didn't bother to tell anyone until 2 days before the closing date so that we might have a heads up and try to take advantage of that whole "it always seems easier to find a job while you still have one" situation.
But you know, it was ok. We weren't paying any rent and most of the bills had already been paid for the month, and Michael was still working.
Michael gets fired without given cause or warning, except the new guy who was apparently hired a few days before to replace him, despite Michael directly asking the owner if he was going to be fired or if there was anything he should do any better than he already was and getting a "No".
Now to try to find any kind of job paying anything.
And avoid the thieving "landlord" illegally renting the house that wasn't his anymore and is being forclosed upon any month, because we said fuck you in Seattle, WA spending our hard earned money on Starbucks we aren't paying you anymore, and you can't even evict us either. Of course he doesn't know that yet.

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